La LDL-aféresis, efectiva y segura en la HF grave
En Europa, cerca de un millón de personas padecen hipercolesterolemia familiar, una enfermedad genética que en España afecta a 100.000 personas. En muchos de los casos, y desde el nacimiento, estos pacientes duplican o triplican las tasas de colesterol LDL, lo que les sitúa en un elevado riesgo de sufrir un evento cardíaco antes de los 30 años. Además, y generalmente, las tasas de LDL-colesterol son refractarias a las medidas farmacológicas e higiénico-dietéticas convencionales.
En este panorama, la búsqueda de tratamientos opcionales exitosos es de especial necesidad y es además donde irrumpe la aféresis, técnica terapéutica implantada en el abordaje de otras patologías y que ha mostrado buenos resultados. En la HF severa, la aféresis, conocida en este ámbito como LDL-aféresis, aparece como un innovador tratamiento que «ha demostrado su eficacia y seguridad en el control de la ateroesclerosis coronaria y de la enfermedad de la válvula aórtica», según han confirmado a DM Fernando Anaya, jefe de Sección de la Unidad de Aféresis Terapéutica del Servicio de Nefrología del Hospital Gregorio Marañón, de Madrid; Ovidio Muñiz, del Servicio de Medicina Interna del Hospital Virgen del Rocío, de Sevilla; y Pedro Mata, presidente de la Fundación Española de Hipercolesterolemia Familiar, que junto a otros profesionales y autoridades sanitarias, han debatido en Madrid la utilidad y la relación coste-eficacia de la aféresis en esta patología.
The Future of Online Gambling in Australia
Online gambling has become a booming industry in Australia, with millions of players logging on to their favorite betting sites every day. However, recent regulatory changes have sparked debates about the future of online gambling in the country. Will Australia continue to embrace this digital form of entertainment, or will stricter regulations and bans put an end to the online gambling craze?
In this article, we will delve into the future of online gambling in Australia, exploring both sides of the argument and examining the potential consequences of different regulatory approaches. We will discuss the benefits and risks associated with online gambling, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the industry, and the possible future scenarios that could shape the online gambling landscape in Australia. So, whether you’re a seasoned online gambler or simply curious about the future of this controversial industry, join us as we explore the exciting and uncertain path that lies ahead.
Regulatory Challenges and Opportunities for Online Gambling in Australia
The future of online gambling in Australia is uncertain, as the government has recently taken steps to tighten regulations and restrict access to offshore gambling sites. The Interactive Gambling Amendment Bill 2016, which was passed in August 2017, aims to prohibit online gambling operators from offering their services to Australian residents unless they hold a license from the Australian government. This has led to many offshore gambling operators pulling out of the Australian market, resulting in a decrease in options for Australian gamblers.
However, despite the restrictions, online gambling is still a popular activity in Australia, and many Australians continue to access offshore gambling sites. It is claimed that the future of online gambling in Australia lies in the development of a regulated and licensed market, where Australian operators can legally offer their services to Australian residents. This would provide a safer and more secure environment for Australian gamblers, as well as generate tax revenue for the government. The introduction of a licensing system would also allow for better consumer protection measures, such as age verification and self-exclusion programs, which can help to prevent problem gambling.
Technological Advancements and their Impact on the Online Gambling Industry
The future of online gambling in Australia is likely to be shaped by a number of factors. One key element is the ongoing debate surrounding the regulation of online gambling in the country. Currently, online gambling is heavily restricted in Australia, with only sports betting and lottery games being allowed. However, there have been calls for a more liberal approach to online gambling, with advocates arguing that it could generate significant tax revenue and create jobs. The government has recently commissioned a review of the Interactive Gambling Act, which could potentially lead to changes in the legislation and a more open online gambling market in the future.
Another factor that will impact the future of online gambling in Australia is the advancement of technology. With the increasing popularity of mobile devices and the development of new technologies such as virtual reality, the online gambling experience is set to become more immersive and accessible. Mobile gambling apps are already widely used in Australia, and this trend is expected to continue. Additionally, advancements in payment methods and security measures will play a crucial role in ensuring a safe and convenient online gambling experience for Australian players. Overall, the future of online gambling in Australia holds both challenges and opportunities, with the potential for a more diverse and innovative industry.
Changing Consumer Behavior and the Evolution of Online Gambling in Australia
The future of online gambling in Australia is poised for significant growth and evolution. With the rise of technology and the increasing popularity of online gaming, the Australian gambling industry is set to undergo a major transformation. One of the key factors driving this change is the advancements in mobile technology, which have made online gambling accessible to a wider audience than ever before.
Another important development in the future of online gambling in Australia is the potential legalization of online poker. Currently, online poker is illegal in Australia, but there have been ongoing discussions and debates about its legalization. If online poker is legalized, it could open up a whole new market for operators and provide players with more options and opportunities.
The future of online gambling in Australia also includes the integration of virtual reality (VR) technology. VR has the potential to revolutionize the online gambling experience by immersing players in a virtual casino environment. This technology could enhance the overall gaming experience and attract a new generation of players who are seeking more immersive and interactive forms of entertainment.
Furthermore, the future of online gambling in Australia will likely be shaped by stricter regulations and measures to ensure responsible gambling. As the industry continues to grow, there is a growing need to protect vulnerable individuals and prevent problem gambling. This may involve the implementation of stricter age verification processes, limits on betting amounts, and the introduction of mandatory self-exclusion programs.
Social and Economic Implications of the Future of Online Gambling in Australia
The future of online gambling in Australia is poised for growth and innovation. With advancements in technology and changing attitudes towards gambling, the online gambling industry is expected to thrive in the coming years. The convenience and accessibility of online platforms have already attracted a significant number of players, and this trend is likely to continue.
One of the key factors shaping the future of online gambling in Australia is the regulation landscape. The government has recognized the need to update existing laws to adapt to the digital age. Proposed reforms aim to provide a safer gambling environment, protect consumers, and address the issues of problem gambling. These regulatory changes are expected to create a more transparent and responsible online gambling industry, fostering trust and confidence among players.
As we look towards the future, the online gambling industry in Australia is poised for significant growth and innovation. Despite the current regulatory challenges and restrictions, the demand for online gambling services continues to rise. With advancements in technology and the increasing popularity of mobile gaming, we can expect to see a surge in user engagement and accessibility. The introduction of virtual reality and augmented reality platforms will revolutionize the online gambling experience, offering a more immersive and interactive gameplay. Moreover, as the industry evolves, we can anticipate a stronger focus on responsible gambling practices and player protection. With these developments on the horizon, the future of online gambling in Australia is certainly bright and full of exciting possibilities.
Implantación razonable
Según Mata, la LDL-aféresis estaría indicada en las HF homocigótica y heterocigótica severa. En la homocigótica, que en España pueden ser 50 casos, es indicación absoluta. La heterocigótica es más frecuente, pero la técnica se reservaría para los casos graves, lo que afectaría a unas 600 personas. No obstante, y según Anaya, coordinador de una de las unidades españolas de aféresis con mayor tradición, su utilización en España para HF, a diferencia de otros países europeos, es escasa, debido a una serie de circunstancias, fundamentalmente administrativas. A su juicio, en España lo ideal sería que las comunidades autónomas dispusieran, al menos, «de una unidad de referencia de aféresis terapéutica en general, con un registro de enfermos y con unas indicaciones precisas«.
Mientras que en Europa la LDL-aféresis se utiliza desde hace 20 años, en España es casi una desconocida como abordaje del riesgo cardiovascular en esta patología, aunque al parecer se contempla la posibilidad de que empiece a formar parte de la cartera de servicios sanitarios, si bien tiene que quedar claro, según Mata, que en comunidades con entre 2-3 millones de habitantes «sería suficiente con una sola unidad de LDL-aféresis y, para que sea coste-eficaz, al menos deben tratarse dos pacientes«.
Casos claros
En la diálisis de la LDL, sin embargo, el acceso al procedimiento es claro: HF homocigótica no respondedora a fármacos. Por ejemplo, los niños que no logran bajar el colesterol, situado en 500-600 mg/dl, en más de un 50 por ciento, «podrían ir a aféresis a partir de los 6-7 años«, indica Mata.
Otra indicación es la HF heterocigótica severa «con patología coronaria clínica y progresión y que, a pesar del máximo tratamiento hipolipemiante, mantiene un colesterol LDL superior a 195 mg/dl Otro subgrupo sería progresión de la ateroesclerosis coronaria con niveles elevados de Lp(a) y con colesterol superior a 125 mg/dcl«, precisa Muñiz. La LDL-aféresis disminuye de forma inmediata el colesterol LDL en un 70 por ciento, aunque se mantienen los hipolipemiantes, y estabiliza o regresa la placa de ateroesclerosis que redunda en el control de la estenosis de la válvula aórtica. Este abordaje preventivo evita la mortalidad y carece de efectos tóxicos y secundarios».
Usos múltiples aceptados con buen resultado
La aféresis terapéutica es un procedimiento a través del que se eliminan de la sangre del pacientes los componentes patológicos que originan una enfermedad mediante el filtrado del plasma a través de un dispositivo extracorpóreo. Este tratamiento tiene distintas modalidades (hemoaféresis, plasmaféresis, doble filtración, entre otras) en función de la utilidad que se busque. Ya son muy numerosas las patologías en las que la aféresis terapéutica obtiene buenos resultados, por lo que su indicación es de primera elección. La miastenia gravis, el síndrome de Goodpasture, el lupus eritematoso y la crioglobulinemia son algunas de las patologías indicadas.
Fuente: Diario Médico
Foto: Lenda
Pie de Foto: Fernando Anaya, Ovidio Muñiz Grijalvo y Pedro Mata, en la reunión de Aféresis para Hipercolesterolemia.