Recruitment of subjects from FH families began in 2004 and is still ongoing. A pilot study was performed in the last quarter of 2003 to analyse and evaluate the logistic of the study.
Index cases from the Spanish FH Registry and new Index cases identified by the participating lipid clinics through the FH cascade screening program available in some regions of Spain, were contacted by telephone by the CC-FHF and invited to participate in the cohort study. Previously, a permission to contact with their affected and non affected relatives over 15 years of age was obtained. Only then, the CC-FHF contacted the relatives to invite them to participate in the follow-up study.
Inclusion criteria for subjects to participate in the study are:
- Index cases with genetic diagnosis of FH.
- Relatives over 15 years old with a positive genetic test for FH.
- Relatives over 15 years old with a negative genetic test or FH. This group constitute the “control group”.
Subjects with high cholesterol in the control group were not excluded.
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